RIYA SHAH's profile

Drawing Marathon

Hi There, this is my creative journey to create characters with minimal tools and no restrictions.
I did this project along with another artists We had ourselves a drawing marathon. 
I took a constant shape and repeated it to show different characters in 2D form.

Tool - Mono-line Nib and Black Ink
My guess of how our creator looks like !! A sharpened pencil , heaps of paper and species on his mind !
The Creator
A sweet tooth
The Goth Musician
A sassy badass feminist
You are what you eat - Fruit enthusiast
A florist
Poop Mouth
He sure sells a lot of Frankies.
Raggedy Handsome Man
My Dhobi (Laundry Man )
Man with many ideas, one idea at a time !
And one starbucks coffee at a time.
Thank you for viewing , I really enjoyed the process of thinking a backstory for every character while sketching them. If you have creative instincts you should try it too.
Drawing Marathon


Drawing Marathon

drawing marathon with the motive of letting go !!!
